Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Day two - just before bed

Thanks to the 12 people who have visited this blog since I started it today. Advertising it on Google is my gift to you. I only hope it helps!

I've had painkillers all day which have kept me in good form.
On top of that some Vallium to minimize my 'drama queen' moments....

Finally what better medicine than a few glasses of Sauvignon Blanc, some Japanese Chicken Katsu Don and a bag of Starburst Snake lollies (candy depending on where you are from).

I don't know if it's this diet, or the drugs, or WHATEVER but I'm now entering an area that feels somewhere between aprehension, boredom and depression. I want this to be over with - the pain that is. I want to be able to get back to my normal life...

And I'd like to not have to drag myself into the bathroom morning and night and go through the pain of undressing my manhood so as to either take a leak or add some antiseptic ointment. Undressin, although getting easier each time, is not a pleasant affair. Since having the chop, the exposed glans of my penis are hurting whenever they have their dressing removed or replaced - cos they tend to stick a bit. Ahhhh well - they things we do eh?

Sleeping was no problem last night and I'm hoping it won't be again tonight. Having to avoid messages and 'what you doing?' requests via text message though because as much as I like the sympathy that comes with being in recovery... I don't share the circumcision story. So I'm just laying low.

More from me in the morning no doubt.

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